Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Parc Mont Royal

How do I explain this. Tam Tam happens every Sunday in the summer at Parc Mont Royal. It's basically a drumming circle that takes place underneath this giant monument at the edge of the Parc. It's one of those classic ways to spend your Sundays if you're a Montrealer. It's a great way to see the cross section of people in Montreal and see what a pot pourri exists here. The sense of Style here is so distinct because it's just a mix of everything. It's not always a polished look or the most put together but it's self expressed and creative. A guy in a cowboy hat might have his shirt off but wearing army boots, tribal tats and a belt made of hemp holding up his Energie jeans. A girl will wear a tie-dye baboushka but with a metal studded collar around her neck. It's all very haphazard, bohemian and playful.

And rockers and hippies a like will all bring their drums and drum the afternoon away. And this has been going on every Sunday for as long as I can remember. People bring blankets, smoke up, drink beer, cook barbecues, bring their kids, their dogs, their cats. It's just a wonderful sight to see people spending their Sunday afternoon in the park. I know there are many parks in New York City as well. But there's something special about Montreal that I still can't quite put my finger on. It's like there's just no ulterior motive about the social community here. In New York there is almost a sense that you have to be at this or that event. You need to be scene here or watch this show or connect with these people. In Montreal it just feels like a city hanging out for the sake of hanging out. It's the good life.

But this has got to take the cake. This past Sunday I went to meet up with some friends and when I got there I gave them a call. "Yeah, we're by the sand-pit where all the medieval sword fighting is. Do you know where that is?" Um...the WHA?!

Tam Tam happens in Parc Mont Royal. And just within the trees happens the craziest shit. People are juggling, or have tied tight rope between huge trunks to practice low level tight rope walking (I'm not kidding.) But the best is the LARPS. They are Live Action Role Players who dress up and sword fight each other. There are eight year old kids with their crew fighting and there are forty-five year old men in full chain-male and pointy beards ready to do battle in Middle Earth. No doubt the LARPS take this game/sport very seriously and adhere to rules and specific combat moves. Just when you think Montreal can't get any weirder and beautiful it does. I cannot wait until the Summer official begins. Montreal is full of suprises.

1 comment:

hot garbage said...

was marc jacobs there? is it lame that im the only one commenting on your blog? like lame for me -- not for you. i was a stripper!