Saturday, July 2, 2011


July 2nd, 2011

as written on my Blackberry at 7am at Stereo:

What have I learned at 35?

Good music is more important than good drugs.

I am skinny and that won't ever really change.

My thoughts are not the boss of me.

There is so much I don't know but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. I can always learn something new.

Expansion is natural. Security is an illusion and working hard in order to feel safe makes my life small.

It's okay to say no just as often as to say yes. Saying no to something means I am saying yes to something else.

If I am suffering I am attached that life should not be the way it is in the moment.

I am a spiritual person and when I am touched by something I can cry if I want.

My life is a blessing.

Saying thank you enriches me.

Being vulnerable empowers me.

My life is invented and created and that's why I consider myself an artist.

I am better than no one.

If I am sad I am probably hungry or tired or both.

Being quiet and not talking sometimes is the best remedy.

My ego wants to be loved and gets hurt. But my ego is not me.

Smiling takes no effort.

I am proud of who I am.


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