Wednesday, December 3, 2008

When friends come to visit...


I heart beer. Can you tell?

Coming back to Canada and especially Montreal has been such a blessing. To reconnect with some friends I haven't seen since I left for New York and to make new friends have been so special to me.

I like to think of myself as a pretty social person. But there is nothing like those old friends who know you through and through and have been there thick and thin. I cannot think of two other people who represent that for me than Mat and Brendan. We have seen a lot together and have grown so much as individuals. I am so proud to have them in my life. As Artists in life it's often hard to find the time to spend together. So the moment was not lost on me when we all happened to be in Montreal at the same time. Props to Mat for driving from Ontario!

Duncan came from Liverpool to be with Brendan while he was rehearsing for a Dance Show. I call this their American Apparel Ad

Dean and Me

A week later Dean Voon was in town for a quick visit. Dean and I met randomly at a cafe on Queen West while I was performing in The Lion King and what a fortunate meeting that was because he's such a great guy. We hadn't seen each other in many years so to have the chance to sit and have sushi with him was a great moment. Just to be with him and to share our life experiences was awesome. Afterward we met up with Brendan and his dance friends as well as some of my friends from work for some crazy Karoake. What a fun night.

Brendan showcasing the jeans he bought at Value Village. Irony is the new black for Spring '09. Icing on the cake? There were pleats in the jeans.

what do you sing when doing Karoake? Alanis Morissette of course!

It's unfortunate that these crazy nights of play seem few and far between. But it's also what makes me so grateful when the social stars do align, even for only a moment.

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